A Servant first seen in Fate/Grand Order. A Chinese alchemist, sorcerer, and explorer who lived from 255 BC to approximately 195-155 BC. Shi Huang Di sent Xu Fu on two separate journeys to find the elixir of immortality. Designed by Endo (TAKOLEGS) and voiced by Misaki Watada.
This Xu Fu is a female, who carries around a doll version of Yu Mei-Ren. She was introduced as an Archer-class NPC, and was later implemented as a playable Alter Ego-class Servant.
The following tags implicate this tag: space_xu_fu_(fate), xu_fu_(event_portrait)_(fate), xu_fu_(first_ascension)_(fate), xu_fu_(spare_the_idle_talk)_(fate), xu_fu_(swimsuit_avenger)_(fate), and xu_fu_(third_ascension)_(fate) (learn more).