A group of extradimensional Pokémon originating from Ultra Space. Ultra Beasts infrequently appear from Ultra Wormholes in Alola. These appearances are apparently as unexpected for the Ultra Beasts as for Alolans, which tends to make them combative. They are especially drawn to people who have passed through an Ultra Wormhole due to the residual wormhole energy on them, apparently expecting to find a wormhole they can use to return home.
Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma are thematically related to the Ultra Beasts, and share many similarities with them, although they are not usually considered to be Ultra Beasts themselves. However, in some media (e.g. the TCG, Pokémon Adventures, and Pokémon Duel), Necrozma is considered to be an Ultra Beast, although none of the other four are.
Introduced in Sun and Moon
- Nihilego (UB-01 Symbiont)
- Buzzwole (UB-02 Absorption)
- Pheromosa (UB-02 Beauty)
- Xurkitree (UB-03 Lighting)
- Celesteela (UB-04 Blaster)
- Kartana (UB-04 Blade)
- Guzzlord (UB-05 Glutton)
Introduced in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
- Poipole (UB Adhesive) → Naganadel (UB Stinger)
- Stakataka (UB Assembly)
- Blacephalon (UB Burst)
See also:
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