A supporting character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, a female orange echidna with blue eyes. She is a member of the Knuckles Clan, a once-powerful ancient tribe, and daughter of their leader, Pachacamac.
Tikal had the chance of befriending Chaos, a spirit of water, and the Chao it watched over.
Much to her sadness, her father desired to secure greater power by stealing the emeralds located at Chaos's homeplace. The echidnas' violence and greed caused Chaos to be filled with great fury and unleash enough power to eliminate the clan almost completely. Tikal only managed to seal Chaos along with herself in the Master Emerald. In Sonic Adventure, Tikal guides Knuckles, the last descendant of her tribe, and the other playable characters as a small pink light, hoping to seal Chaos again.