A raunchy, dark humor (and very violent) superhero parody comic book series created by Garth Ennis and Darrick Robertson. It ran from 2006 to 2012.
Set in a world where super-powered heroes exist thanks to Compound V, a special formula created by the Vought corporation, it follows a team of vigilantes called The Boys, who combat and expose the crimes of "Supes" who secretly abused their powers against the public.
A live-action adaptation was released exclusively on Amazon Prime Video in 2019 and was praised as one of the few live-action comic book adaptations that is better than the comics. Unlike the comics which were criticized for being an edgy comic about Superheroes who are secretly horrible, the show instead explores current topics like corporate greed, bigotry, extremism, abuse of power and celebrity culture. The second season aired in 2020, the third season in 2022 and the fourth season in 2024. A fifth and final season is currently in the works.
The show has two spin-offs, The Boys Presents: Diabolical an animated anthology series that was released in 2022, and Gen V, a spin-off set in The Boys universe that follows the students of Godolkin University, a special university for young Supes.