The Iron God from Everyday with Gods series by pageratta.
a.k.a. "The Robot". Instantly nicknamed "Iron Chef" upon introduction.
God Power: 「Mechanization」
A machine god created by Mad God. Likes to cook as a hobby. Always offer his homemade cooking to everyone when he has the chance. Despite his great cooking skill don't even dare to taste dish made for itself. Given "courier" font by translators to emphasize his robotic speech.
Appearance: Cuboid head and torso. Pelvis is irregular hexagon prism. Limbs are either tube-like or prism-like. Has pincers for "hands". Feet are typical angular. Left eye is red lense. Right eye socket is hollow. Golden winder as right "ear". Mouth is one piece sliding shutter. Blue lense at center of torso used for focusing it's God Power.
Halo: Around blue lense.
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