テイルズ・オブ・イノセンス テイルズオブイノセンス イノセンス TOI
The ninth mothership game in the Tales of... series by Namco, released for the Nintendo DS but not ported to the West. However, an unofficial translation is available for download. It is the first game to receive a higher rating than "All Ages", marking the series' shift to an older audience.
Received a remake - Innocence R - on the Playstation Vita.
Official Site: http://www.bandainamcogames.co.jp/cs/list/talesofinnocence/index.php
Wiki: http://aselia.wikia.com/wiki/Tales_of_Innocence
This tag implicates tales_of_(series) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: tales_of_innocence_r (learn more).