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The nameship of the Takao-class as represented in Azur Lane. Her censored name is "獒" ("Mastiff").
She wears a white military uniform with a white pleated miniskirt and black pantyhose. She has long black hair worn in a ponytail. Like most of the Sakura Empire ships, she has animal ears. In her case, dog ears folded down to resemble hair flaps (contrast to Atago's erect ears). Because they blend almost perfectly with her hair, they are often omitted by fan artists or transformed into actual hair flaps or hair ears.
She is often paired with her sister Atago, and like her sister she has large breasts.
Voiced by Kakuma Ai.
The following tags implicate this tag: takao_(beach_rhapsody)_(azur_lane), takao_(divine_exorcist's_blade)_(azur_lane), takao_(full_throttle_charmer)_(azur_lane), takao_(sakura_hanami)_(azur_lane), takao_(school_romanza)_(azur_lane), and takao_(the_lessons_of_spring)_(azur_lane) (learn more).