イキリンコ 시비꼬 怒鸚哥 怒鹦哥 Krawalloro Tapatoès
Pokémon #931 in the National Pokédex, a Normal/Flying type.
It is a parrot-like Pokémon with what appears to be a black pompadour hairstyle, along with a white stomach. It comes in four different colors: Green, blue, yellow and white.
Its shiny form retains its original plumage colors, but re-colors the beak, talons and hair pink.
Prior Pokémon: Arboliva
Next Pokémon: Nacli
The following tags implicate this tag: squawkabilly_(blue), squawkabilly_(green), squawkabilly_(white), and squawkabilly_(yellow) (learn more).