A 2020-to-Present comedic adventure light novel series written by Takemachi and illustrated by Tomari. An anime adaption by the animation studio Feel premiered in January 2023.
The story revolves around the newly formed covert team Lamplight in the Din Republic, a nation that is in a shadow war with their neighbor the Galgad Empire. At the start of the story, Lily, a 17-year-old girl attending one of the Din Republic's covert agent training academies and who is on the verge of flunking out receives an offer to provisionally graduate by joining the newly form covert team Lamplight. Despite the fact the team is being formed to tackle "Impossible Missions," missions with an estimated mortality rate over 90%, Lily accepts on the expectation of being supported by the best of the best agents their country has to offer. Upon arriving at Lamplight's headquarters she learns an unfortunate truth. Team Lamplight is composed of washout teenage girls like herself and their boss/mentor Klaus completely lacks the ability to instruct them despite being the best spy their country has to offer. To make things even worse, their first "Impossible Mission" is scheduled only a month away. Lily ends up having to figure out how she can resolve this crisis.
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