Soul Edge is the central antagonist in the Soul series of fighting games and namesake to the first installment, a legendary living weapon that seeks to reap souls for power. Originally forged by human hands, at first Soul Edge was just an ordinary sword, but after being bathed in blood and hatred countless times, the sword turned into a demonic weapon and gained a wicked soul called Inferno. Those who grasp its hilt are unable to escape its curse, as its spirit invades the mind like a parasite and drives its wielder insane. As its blade is soaked in blood, it grows in power, yet it manages to shine a polished red. Even when broken into small shards, its influence is still felt. Soul Edge is distinguished by the animate eye and is known to take the form of whatever is most convenient for its wielder.
Soul Edge's most famous owners include the dread pirate Cervantes de Leon, the Azure Knight Nightmare, and Pyrrha Alexandra.
Soul Edge is diametrically opposed by its sibling weapon, Soul Calibur.