スリングショット スリングショット水着 ブラジル水着 マンキニ 眼帯スリングショット V字水着
A slingshot swimsuit, also known as a sling bikini or mankini for males, is a type of swimsuit that stretches from the crotch, separates to cover the nipples, up over the shoulders and across the back. It can be best described as a thong that goes over the shoulders, providing minimal coverage to the wearer. Such a swimsuit can be described a having a V-front, although swimsuits that seem to be like X-top bikinis from the front with no clear indication as a bikini otherwise from the side have been described here in Danbooru as also slingshots.
A common gag is that the straps fail to completely cover the nipples.
While slingshot swimsuits are technically one-piece swimsuits, they are considered to be in their own category and should not be tagged as one-piece swimsuits.
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: sling_bikini, sling_swimsuit, and slingbikini (learn more).
This tag implicates swimsuit (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: black_slingshot_swimsuit, blue_slingshot_swimsuit, green_slingshot_swimsuit, pink_slingshot_swimsuit, purple_slingshot_swimsuit, red_slingshot_swimsuit, white_slingshot_swimsuit, yellow_slingshot_swimsuit, and yuio_maid_dress (learn more).
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