A 2021-to-Present shoujo fantasy light novel series written by Isora Matsuri and illustrated by Fujimi Nanna. Initially written as a webnovel series in 2020 before being published by Kadokawa as a light novel. A manga adaptation also began publication in 2021 under the title Silent Witch - Chinmoku no Majo no Kakushigoto (サイレント・ウィッチ 沈黙の魔女の隠しごと, En: Secrets of the Silent Witch) illustrated by Tana Tobi.
The story follows Monica Everett, a teenage mage and the youngest of the Kingdom of Ridill's Seven Sages and named the Silent Witch . As one of the Seven Sages, the highest rank of mage within the kingdom, she is famous for her ability of chantless casting of magic. Unknown to the public though, Monica suffers from extreme social anxiety which is why she ended up developing the ability for chantless casting, as she simply lacked the ability to recite a spell in front of people. Preferring to not interact with people, she spends most of her time doing mathematical work for the kingdom while living as a recluse. Things take a drastic turn when her fellow Seven Sage member Louis Miller, the Barrier Mage, barges into her home to ask her a favor, a favor she is not allowed to decline. He is assigning her the task of infiltrating Serendia Academy, an elite boarding school, to covertly guard the kingdom's second prince without letting him find out.