リムーブ・ケバブ カラジッチ、セルビアを率いよ 移除烤肉串 卡拉季奇,领导你的塞族人 上帝是塞爾維亞人,他將保護我們
Also known as "Remove Kebab" or "God Is a Serb [and He Will Protect Us]", and originally as "Karadžić, Lead Your Serbs".
A propagandistic music video showing four soldiers, three of whom play musical instruments. The most common version of the music video available online includes edited-in footage of Radovan Karadžić drinking water at the Hague during his 2008 trial, likely to parody the original producer's intent. The accordionist stands out because of his unmoving and emotionless face as he plays the instrument.
The Serbian politician the song was sung to as a tribute, Radovan Karadžić, the accordionist, Novislav Đajić and the assumed producer, Nikola Jorgić, were all convicted as war criminals (for genocide, among other charges) a couple of years after the musical video was produced.