A 2022-to-Present supernatural horror manga written and illustrated by Nagashii Kouhei.
The story follows the freshmen Chiarashi Mahina who attends Ouyou College, an F-rank party university. After sneaking out of a welcome party, she is enticed to accompany Fujimiya, a hot upperclassman, to a haunted building in search for the supernatural. It is there that for a brief moment she sees a group of naked men with distorted faces. After returning home she finds out these men have begun following her, but it seems she's the only person who can see them. Stalked during the day and suffering from graphic nightmares of being gang raped at night, Mahina is left worn out and lost on what to do. A college staffer noting her condition recommends she meets with a staffer named Makube Kaoru, a man who looks like he belongs to the yakuza, but who deals with problems like her's. Mahina thus begins her terrifying college life.