Ultimate-level God Man-type Digimon that debuted in Digimon Tamers in 2001. Sakuyamon is often demonstrated as the Ultimate form of Renamon. Sakuyamon has the appearance of a miko, but with an unusual choice of attire, including gold armor consisting of a mask and breastplate over a black bodysuit. It typically has medium to large breasts ranging between depictions and wields a shakujou. Sakuyamon is also accompanied by four kuda-gitsune shikigami at all times.
In Digimon Tamers, Sakuyamon is the Ultimate Evolution of Makino Ruki's partner Renamon, achieved when Ruki and Renamon Matrix Evolve together.
Common evolutionary throughline:
Relemon -> Pokomon -> Renamon -> Kyuubimon -> Taomon -> Sakuyamon.
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