Artist from Hong Kong. Formerly tagged as sakanadango.
Hanji name: 魚蛋 or 魚旦 (Yu dan, lit. "fish ball")
Japanese name: さかなだんご (Sakana Dango, lit. "fish ball")
The other names: "SAKD" or "FB"
Circle name: 爆谷F友/cfyw (the other members: Xie, Yin` and WinG)
See also
- Blog: http://blog.qooza.hk/quesTi0n
- Japanese blog: http://sakanadandango.blog.fc2.com/
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1349043
- Piapro account: http://piapro.jp/sakanadango
- Plurk account: http://www.plurk.com/sakanadango
- Sina weibo miniblog: http://weibo.com/u/2614349194
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/sakana_dango
- Circle blog (shared with the other members): http://cfyw.blog.fc2.com/
- https://www.pixiv.net/users/1349043
- https://www.pixiv.net/stacc/0111304
- https://twitter.com/sakdize
- https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=358081156
- https://sketch.pixiv.net/@0111304
- https://www.plurk.com/sakanadango
- https://www.weibo.com/u/2614349194
- http://cfyw.blog.fc2.com
- http://sakanadandango.blog.fc2.com
- http://piapro.jp/sakanadango
- http://blog.qooza.hk/quesTi0n
- https://twitter.com/sakana_dango