Ryuuto is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Internet Co., Ltd., and was released for the VOCALOID2 engine.
Licensed as Gachapoid (ガチャッポイド), he is voiced by seiyuu, Amemiya Kuniko. His appearance is based on the beloved green dino Gachapin of Hirake! Ponkikki.
Designed like a young elementary school student, he wears a vested top, stripped necktie, green bracer, shorts, and boots. He has short green hair, green eyes, and buck teeth.
Do not tag Gachapoid images as Gachapin or with Hirake! Ponkikki unless said character and theme are blatantly present within the image. Same goes for tagging Gachapin as a VOCALOID.
Derivatives of Ryuuto
The following tags are aliased to this tag: gachapoid (learn more).