Co-protagonist of the Art of Fighting series alongside Ryo Sakazaki, and a regular member of The King of Fighters series. His nom de guerre is 最強の虎 (Saikyō no tora) - the "Raging Tiger" or "Strongest Tiger". He is commonly seen with long, black hair and nice clothes.
Robert is a rich Italian playboy who was sent to friend of the family Takuma Sakazaki and enlisted in the Kyokugen-ryuu Karate dojo to learn some discipline, eventually growing to become an instructor-tier black belt in the art (trained in the Dragon discipline of the style) and closest ally of the Sakazaki family, all while serving as heir to his family's financial empire, the Garcia Concern. He is the best friend and friendly rival of Ryo, Takuma's son. His love interest is Ryo's little sister, Yuri Sakazaki.
Robert is the first ever foreigner to execute the Haou Shoukou Ken, a legendary technique. Street Fighter's Dan Hibiki was created by Capcom to poke fun at Robert (and Ryo).