Pokémon #579 in the National PokéDex.
Reuniclus is a pale green Pokémon surrounded by a blob of translucent, green gelatinous substance. It has a large, round head with a thin stripe down the center. Its eyes are black and oval, while its mouth is red and triangular. Its body is small with stubby arms and legs. However, there are several round objects floating next to its arms. These objects increase in size and darken in color the further they are from the body and form arm-like appendages. The gel around these appendages forms three-fingered hands.
It evolves from Duosion.
Type: Psychic
Abilities: Overcoat / Magic Guard (Hidden: Regenerator)
Height: 100 cm / 3'3"
Weight: 20.1 kg / 44.3 lbs
Japanese Name: Lanculus