A mecha from the Macross series. It first appeared in the Macross Zero OVA from 2002.
The QF-2001 Ghost is a stealth robot fighter jet produced by the U.N. Spacy in 2000.
As a predecessor to the QF-3000E used in Space War I (circa 2009) and the Ghost X-9 (circa 2040) the QF-2001 pioneered many of the conventional technologies for modern unmanned stealth fighters.
The Ghost's large single engine, low mass and upward-canted forward-swept cranked gull wing makes the unmanned fighter very fast and agile.
The armament of the QF-2001 Ghost drone remains classified however, observers have noted two open ports on the forward ventral hull along side the forward landing gear as well as four closed ports that resemble micro-missile launcher doors on either side of the rear ventral fuselage.
This fighter was frequently used as a fast-pack booster attached to the dorsal fuselage of the VF-0 Phoenix variable fighter.
See also
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