陰毛 阴毛 음모 生えかけ ロリ陰毛 ヘアヌード アンダーヘア
Hair growing in the pubic area, also known as 'pubes'. For pubic hair on males, see male pubic hair. For pubic hair on females, see female pubic hair.
Visible pubic hair should usually be rated E, or sometimes Q, but rarely S.
When the pubic hair is notably thick or unshaven, excessive pubic hair is also applicable.
Related tags
- colored pubic hair
- excessive pubic hair
- sparse pubic hair
- shaped pubic hair
- female pubic hair
- male pubic hair
- mismatched pubic hair
- pubic hair peek
- pubic stubble
- stray pubic hair
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: hairy_pussy and pubes (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: colored_pubic_hair, excessive_pubic_hair, female_pubic_hair, male_pubic_hair, pubic_hair_peek, shaped_pubic_hair, and sparse_pubic_hair (learn more).
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