Series: Touhou - Reimu's Diary (Matsumoto Tomoyohi)
Artist: Matsumoto Tomoyohi
A series of entries in Reimu's diary. It's a parody of Keeper's diary from the Resident Evil 1 Remake (2002).
Full diary from the game for reference (including the original japanese):
May 9th 1998
Played poker tonight with Scott and
Alias from Security, and Steve from
Research. Steve was the big winner, but
I think he was cheating. Scumbag.
May 9, 1998
夜、警備員のスコットとエリアス、 研究員のスティーブとポーカーをやった。
スティーブの奴、 やたらついてやがったがきっといかさまにちがいねェ。
May 10th 1998
One of the higher—ups assigned me to
take care of a new creature. It looks
like a skinned gorilla. Feeding
instructions were to give it live
When I threw in a pig, the creature
seemed to play with it...tearing off the
pig's legs and pulling out the guts
before it actually started eating.
May 10, 1998
生きたえさがいいってんで、 豚を投げこんだら、 奴ら、 足をもぎ取ったり内臓を引き出したり遊んだあげくやっと食いやがる。
May 11th 1998
At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up.
Scared the shit out of me, too. He was
wearing a protective suit. He handed
me another one and told me to put it on.
Said there'd been an accident in the
basement lab.
I just knew something like this would
happen. Those bastards in Research
never sleep, even on holiday.
May 11, 1998
今朝5時頃、 宇宙服みてえな防護衣を着たスコットに突然たたき起こされて俺も宇宙服を着せられた。
なんでも、 研究所で事故があったらしい。
研究員の連中ときたら、 夜も寝ないで実験ばかりやってるからこんな事になるんだ。
May 12th 1998
I've been wearing the damn space suit
since yesterday. My skin's getting
grimy and feels itchy all over. The
goddamn dogs have been looking at me
funny, so I decided not to feed them
today. Screw 'em.
May 12, 1998
昨日からこのいまいましい宇宙服をつけたままなんで、 背中がむれちまって妙にかゆい。
いらいらするんで、 腹いせにあの犬どもの飯を抜きにしてやった。
May 13th 1998
Went to the Infirmary because my back
is all swollen and feels itchy. They put
a big bandage on it and told me I didn't
need to wear the suit anymore. All I
wanna do is sleep.
May 13, 1998
あまりに背中がかゆいんで医務室にいったら、 背中にでっけえバンソウコウを貼られた。
それから、 もう俺は宇宙服を着なくていいと医者がいった。
May 14th 1998
Found another big blister on my foot
this morning. I ended up dragging my
foot all the way to the dog's pen. They
were quiet all day, which is weird.
Then I realized some of them had escaped.
Maybe this is their way of getting
back at me for not feeding them
the last three days. If anybody finds
out, I'll have my head handed to me.
May 14, 1998
朝起きたら、 背中だけでなく足にも腫物ができてやがった。
犬どものオリがやけに静かなんで、 足引きずって見に行ったら数が全然たりねえ。
May 16th 1998
Rumors going around that a researcher
who tried to escape the estate last
night was shot. My entire body feels
hot and itchy and I'm sweating all
the time now.
I scratched the swelling on my arm and
a piece of rotten flesh dropped off.
What the hell's happening to me?
May 16, 1998
昨日、この屋しきから逃げ出そうとした研究いんが一人、 射さつされた、 て はなしだ。
夜、 からだ中 あついかゆい。
胸のはれ物 かきむし たら 肉がくさり落ちやがた。
いったいおれ どうな て
May 19th 1998
Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggy food.
May 19, 1998
やと ねつ ひいた も とてもかゆい
今日 はらへったの、 いぬ のエサ くう
May 21st 1998
Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so
killed him. Tasty.
May 21, 1998
かゆい かゆい スコットー きた
ひどいかおなんで ころし
うまかっ です
4 / / Itchy. Tasty.