A collection of Images by various artists that were used in 【東方】House set of Perfect Cherry Blossom 〜 Ayakashi set【ハウスリミックス】 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14485159)
Some images are not in the pool: tsuuyakukan_reni's art and muso-comet's art.
Artists: pe-tan, 77gl, sunakumo, tsuuyakukan reni, akihiyo, asakura masatoki, karlwolf, massala, nekoguruma, chaba (hortensia), ritsu (roboroboro), koohee, meola, mishima kurone, ne-on, f7(eiki), ryuu (tsukinoyuki), dain, Asagi (kabocha_oukoku), c.z., campanula-star.
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