Series: Girls' Frontline - Girls [Fan-Made] Frontline (Tactifriends)
Full title: Girls [not yet in the] Frontline and Girls [From Another] Frontline
Circle: Tactifriends
Artists: BSApricot, NDTwoFives, Vectorek, The Sourkraut, The Blue Glasses, Alma01, Marpaparp, Kuso Otoko, kion-kun, Softmode, Blake yee, Chernoshka, arceonn, arazand, sub-res, Loliphilosophy, Caiman Pool, UprightBlue, sate, etc. (should be filled up and split into who appeared in both, only in the first, and only in the second)
Store: Gumroad
A series of Girls' Frontline doujin fan design works, featuring "what if" T-Doll designs, the first for guns that have yet to appear in the game (at the time of its release), and the second for guns from across fiction.