Phantasy Star III: Descendants of Time (released in the west as Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom) is the third video game in the Phantasy Star science fiction and fantasy RPG series for the Sega Mega Drive/Sega Genesis home console by SEGA.
It was released in Japan during late 1990 and worldwide in 1991.
The player has the choice of selecting to marry one of two female characters from his companion party producing different offspring that become the next generation's hero, which continues for three in-game generations.
The game's plot takes place 1,000 years after the time period of Phantasy Star IV (2,000 years after Phantasy Star II and 3,000 years after Phantasy Star I).
It is set inside a massive colonization spacecraft divided in different sections (or "kingdoms") that contain the descendants of the last surviving refugees from planet Palm of the Algol System.
This planet was destroyed during the events of the second game in the series.
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