Natsuzora (なつぞら) is a Japanese television drama series aired in 2019 as part of Asadora (朝ドラ, "Morning Drama") TV block on NHK. All of the asadora storylines center on the life of a female heroine who faces challenges while working to achieve her dreams. Natsuzora is loosely based on the life of animator Reiko Okuyama.
The story is set during the high economic development time of the Showa period. Natsu lost her parents during the war so she moves to the Tokachi region in Hokkaido with her foster father who is a dairy farmer. While growing up, Natsu meets a boy at primary school who draws a very beautiful picture of a horse so she becomes interested in animated movies. Upon graduating from senior high school, Natsu moves to Tokyo and joins the budding animation industry in order to fulfill her dream of becoming an animator.