Azur Lane's personification of the Japanese battleship Nagato.
In contrast to her ship class, she is portrayed as a child(-like?) character. She wears a red pleated sleeveless dress similar to a hakama with detached sleeves and what seems to be a jacket(?). Her equipment dwarfs her and consists of 4 double guns decorated with shimenawa in a split bow configuration with her spire/pagoda mast towering behind her, all seemingly held in mid-air with floating pauldrons and a semi-transparent cape. She has long black hair in a hime cut with bird-like decorations to her temples as well as golden yellow eyes. Like many ships of the Sakura Empire, she has animal ears of her hair color. Those are inferred to be fox ears from her wedding portrait (where she is surrounded by numerous white foxes).
Her young appearance may be a reference to how Japanese schoolchildren donated funds for the two battleships, especially Mutsu.
As she looks like - and perhaps is - a little girl, she is often contrasted with Nagato from Kantai Collection, to the point where the latter goes Nagamon after "herself".
Character design by Alisa, voiced by Kuno Misaki.
The following tags implicate this tag: nagato_(great_fox's_respite)_(azur_lane), nagato_(great_fox's_white_gown)_(azur_lane), nagato_(guardian_fox's_blessed_bonds)_(azur_lane), nagato_(guardian_fox's_procession)_(azur_lane), nagato_(guardian_fox's_shining_furisode)_(azur_lane), and nagato_(guardian_fox's_vacation)_(azur_lane) (learn more).