Lit. "Eastern Life-Guiding Tree", also known as Touhou Doumeiju.
An original Touhou fangame developed by ido, released on June 28, 2013. Official art for the heroines is done by Teitoku while the bosses are drawn by Kanenoya, which reverses their artist roles from ido's other fangame The Last Comer. The storyline is based off of the scholar Sugawara no Michizane.
Nuclear Shinto team: Hakurei Reimu & Reiuji Utsuho
Magic Buddhism team: Kirisame Marisa & Hijiri Byakuren
Faith Gathering team: Kochiya Sanae & Yasaka Kanako
Stage 1: Aragami no Kusuko
Stage 2: Tobikura Momo
Stage 3: Saraka Sant'Angelo
Stage 4: Suitokuin Tenmu
Stage 5: Yaezaki An
Stage 6: Magahara Mitama
Extra Midboss: Michel Sant'Angelo
Extra Boss: Toone Riko