A fictional robot from the Star Wars Science fiction and Fantasy series.
The MSE-6-Series Repair Droid, sometimes referred to as the Mouse Droid, was a small, box-shaped, wheeled general purpose MSE-series droid often used for delivery and maintenance purposes.
MSE-6 units were most notably deployed in Star Destroyers and both Death Stars during the time of the Galactic Empire. Rebaxan Columni was the Chadra-Fan aliens' company responsible for the production of the MSE-6-series repair droid.
The MSE-series was a popular line of MSE Mouse Droids. These droids were usually programmed with a single function that varied per assignment. Once they were set on the task, they would do nothing else.
The MSE-Series General-Purpose Droid was originally sold to the Chadra-Fan homeworld. They mimicked the pleeky, a common household pet. They thought that the Galactic market would consider it "cute", and manufactured these droids in the billions. They sold very well at first but eventually most of them were returned, as they reminded people of disease-carrying vermin.
In one event, the entire Aar'aa alien species sent them back. The reason was that the little droids skittering underfoot made them uncomfortably hungry.
Eventually Rebaxan-Columni directors became so desperate that they offered every one of the droids to the Imperial Navy, as they were short on droids and needed to catch up with the other Imperial forces. They offered them for a small price and gave all to the Galactic Empire; every ship in the fleet had hundreds of them. Their use was only limited by their owner's creativity.
The Mouse Droids were often used to carry messages in vast Imperial ships and battle stations as well as leading troops through mazes of corridors to their assigned posts. They also have two small internal arms and can do a variety of tasks such as sanitation and security. On the Death Stars they usually led stormtroopers through its many hallways and levels. These droids were programmed to melt their processors upon capture, creating a small, localized explosion.
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