A retired video creator, renowned as the creator of "Touhou Boss Rush".
Nickname: モグモグフヨード (MoguMogu Fuyoudo, the artist uses this spelling: "MoguMogu Huyoudo")
The other names: 腐葉土 (Fuyoudo) or "MF"
See also
- Home page: http://mogumogu.g.ribbon.to/huyoudo.html
- Nicopedia article: http://dic.nicovideo.jp/id/151403
- Pixiv Encyclopedia (JP): http://dic.pixiv.net/a/モグモグフヨード
- Niconico account (deleted): http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/6293634
- Niconico MyList (unused): http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/6343370
(The artist has/had some other names and websites, but does not want the relation among these accounts to become public.)