Japanese: 御崎音音 (みさき おとね) [Misaki Otone]
Original character of nakano_futaba, for "世回転界クロジカル (よかいけんたいくろじかる)" AKA "World-Rolling Black Logical" under series name 空狂少女 (からくりしょうじょ / Karakuri Shoujo), also written as "カラクリガールシリーズ [Karakuri Girls Series]".
Translation of profile on Uchi no Ko-Mato (stands for うちの子まと/うちのこまとめ [Uchi no Ko Matome]):
- Quote: I really hate you cause of this
- Name in Furigana: みさき おとね (Misaki Otone)
- Works Appeared In: World-Rolling Black Logical
- Age: 16 (second year in high school)
- Birthday: December 25
- Gender: Female
- Blood Type: A
- Height: 160cm
- Weight: 48kg
- First-person pronoun (personal pronoun): watashi / 私
- Second-person pronouns (referring to others): [Name]-san / 名前(さん), anata / 貴方, kimi / 君, omae / お前
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