ミリアム・デフェンサー・サンティアゴ ミリアム・ディフェンサー・サンティアゴ
Miriam Defensor Santiago (1945-2016) was a former Philippine Senator, known for her fiery rhetoric and nigh incorruptible tenure in all positions she held in the Philippine government. She is best known for the monicker "The Iron Lady of Asia" and claims to "eat death threats for breakfast."
Due to her warming up with Rodrigo Duterte during the Philippine Presidential Elections of 2016, both of which were candidates for president those times, she became paired with him in every fanworks, creating the so-called 'Duriam' pairing that became popular within the country.
She died in her sleep on September 29, 2016 battling lung cancer, an ailment she claimed to have overcome during the presidential campaign.
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