Japanese meme. References an old Japanese Miki Prune commercial ad, in particular the line "This is a Miki Prune seedling". Often snowcloned into some variation of "This is an [INSERT X] seedling" when memed.
Used to be extremely popular on Futaba Channel.
o _, ,_ w (・ω・ ) これ、何だと思う? (~)、 / i ) \ ` _/ / `ー_( __ノ ( `( 、ノ wwwww_ノ`i__ノ _, ,_ w ( ・ω・ ) これね、ミキプルーンの苗木 (~)、 / i ) \ ` _/ / `ー_( __ノ ( `( 、ノ wwwww_ノ`i__ノ
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