The Midnight Bliss (ミッドナイトブリス) is a special move used by Demitri Maximoff from the Vampire/Darkstalkers seires.
Demitri glides forward, tosses a rose at the opponent, transforms them into a hapless maiden (including male characters!), bows before them, holds them in the air, and then drains the life energy out of the opponent.
The move was very popular in the original game, but became even more popular when Demitri was put in SVC Chaos which forced the development team to make genderswapped sprites for the male characters both from SNK and Capcom. A few years later Demitri was included in the roster for Capcom Fighting Jam which should be no surprise as to what happens next after that.
The move's name is also used a common tag on pixiv for genderswapping male characters that have or come from an official fighting game, or for drawing female characters as they are depicted from the original fighting games when under the effect of the Midnight Bliss.