征陸 智己 (まさおか ともみ)
A character from Psycho-Pass, an Enforcer for Unit One. A laid back and friendly person, Masaoka is the oldest member of the group, and serves as a mentor for Tsunemori Akane. He has a cybernetic arm and a scar on his face. He was shown painting in his spare time. Due to his age and his previous status as an Inspector back in the first days of the Sibyl System, Masaoka has a vast amount of knowledge in the field of criminality, even being able to identify a firearm, which have virtually disappeared from the eyes of society since decades. He works well with Kougami Shinya and often accompanies him and Tsunemori Akane during investigations. It is revealed that he is Ginoza's father. He became increasingly angry about the Sybil System and the accumulation of his doubts about the system led him to being labeled a Latent Criminal and demoted into Enforcer status. Although Ginoza is cold with him, Masaoka is shown to deeply care for his son, and they start to grow closer after a while. Masaoka dies in episode 21, saving Ginoza from a dynamite thrown by Makishima Shougo.