Macross The Ride (マクロス・ザ・ライド - Makurosu Za Raido) or Macross R (マクロス R - Makurosu R) is a light novel series published in the Dengeki Hobby Magazine, a Japanese model kit magazine. It is based on the Macross science fiction mecha series. It was serialized from December 2010 until November 2011.
The novel series was written by Kodachi Ukyō and illustrated by Tenjin Hidetaka, Enami Katsumi and Otsuka Tommy.
The plot is set in an air race competition performed using advanced civilian "valkyries" (variable fighters) in the massive space emigration colony ship Macross Frontier in the year 2058 A.D., one year before the events of the titular anime TV series. Many designs from the different Macross series also appear in this novel.