The Luna Wolves were the XVIth Space Marine Legion raised by the Emperor of Mankind in Warhammer 40k. Founded on Terra (Earth) at the dawn of the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium. After the Emperor rediscovered the Legion's primarch Horus in 801.M30 on the world of Cthonia, and gave him command of the Luna Wolves, Horus went on to lead the XVIth Legion in earning thousands of battle honours over the span of the 200 standard years of the Great Crusade.
Primarch renamed the legion from the Luna Wolves to the Sons of Horus shortly before his fall into Chaos and the start of the Heresy.
The Luna Wolves wore white power armour, a Roman-inspired centurion helmet and the legion's symbol of a wolf's head with a crescent moon (commemorates the conquest of the Moon, the campaign that gave the legion its name). After reuniting with their Primarch, they also added his eye symbol on their armour.