Lind is an Aa Megami-sama character, and a Valkyrie: goddess that belongs to Heaven's Fighting Wings combat unit. In the manga she's the fifth goddess to show up in Keiichi's house, during an emergency, although in the anime, she makes a brief appearance before that, making her the fourth goddess to appear on screen.
Serious, stoic and all business like, are the best ways to describe Lind, even though she does have a sensitive side to her as well. Lind had to struggle for quite some to overcome a rather unusual condition that left her with an angel that possessed one wing (and even referred to as the "One winged angel") but in the end it was proven that she had a pair of twin angels. Being unable to support both of them at the same time, Lind pushed herself harder than any other Valkyrie, earning herself a rather fearsome reputation among Heavens. Eventually, Lind overcomes her difficulties, and thanks to the involvement of Keiichi in the entire process, she likens to refer to him as her lifelong friend.
Voiced by: Miki Ito