Leto of the Ursus Student Self-Government Group, charging in with a mighty "URAAAH!"
A playable Guard Operator in Arknights.
Real Name: Rosalind Tatyanovna Larina
Place of Birth: | Ursus |
Birthday: | March 30 |
Race: | Ursus |
Height: | 167 cm |
Combat Experience: | 1.5 years |
Member of the Ursus Student Self-Governing Group and second strongest after Zima.
She is very direct, open and hardships don't seem to affect her much. She likes to study languages and travel the world. She enjoys getting honey-drunk.
Daughter of Arctosz Paleroche, whom sent her and her mom away from Kjerag in fear of retaliation from the other clans. As such, she lived most of her life without a dad.
Leto is the only character that didn't develop PTSD after the events of Children of Ursus, in fact she's shown to feel great enjoyment when facing mortal danger, such as Faust.
Her motif is based on the Asian black bear or the grizzly bear.
Her voice actors are Asai Ayaka (Japanese), Chen Yu (Chinese), Christina Sherman (English), Lee Dal-lae (Korean), and Lina Ivanovna (Russian). Her art designer is Skade.
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