A fictional mecha from the Gundam series. It first appeared in Gundam Unicorn from 2010.
NZ-666 Kshatriya
An evolution of the Neo Zeon Quin Mantha, also referred to as the Quad-Wing due to its four wing-like structures containing funnels. As a Newtype use massive Mobile Suit, it was lined with the mysterious psycoframe around its cockpit, much like the Sazabi and Nu Gundam before it. It was piloted by Marida Cruz.
Despite its popularity and prevalence in the Gundam Unicorn series, the Kshatriya infamously never received a much-requested Master Grade model kit (most probably due to its weight, a problem that afflicted the massive Nightingale until it was released as part of the RE/100 line), prompting many fans to make fake box art of the supposed kit which was never announced.