A series of short films parodying the 1977 live-action superhero show Kaiketsu Zubat, made between 1982 and 1988 by Daicon Films, later to be known as Gainax. The title translates roughly as "The Dashing Scatterbrain".
The hero of the show, played by producer Takeda Yasuhiro, is Ken Hayakawa, who shares his name and faux-cowboy attire with the hero of Zubat but is an overweight, fanboyish type. His hero costume is mainly pink and red, with a huge "No" (の) on the chest, and with a pom-pom on a wire poking out the top of his yellow helmet, adding to his silly appearance.
Each episode's closing credits would feature outtakes/bloopers, especially those occurring with special effects. The credits themselves would sometimes go out of focus, possibly as a deliberate emphasis on the amateur nature of the work.
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