Azur Lane's personification of the Japanese battleship Izumo, as part of a collaboration with World of Warships. Character design by Alisa, voiced by Ueda Reina.
She is portrayed as a purple-haired oni sporting a samurai-inspired outfit, brandishing a large katana as a melee weapon with another sheathed. Her personality is highly-contentious, and she is verbally abusive towards the Commander in an attempt to hide her true nature.
Izumo was designed with an all-forward main battery consisting of triple 16.1" guns, similar to HMS Rodney and Nelson. The design was ultimately abandoned in favor of the 18.1" gun-armed design that would see two ships completed as specified and sent into frontline service. The name "Izumo" would later go on to grace a class of helicopter carrier for the modern JMSDF.
In reference to World of Warships, Izumo gains improved protection against enemy AP rounds, but in turn suffers a higher chance to catch fire, similar to her WoWS counterpart.
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