The main protagonist of the manga Air Gear by Oogure Ito. Known as "Ikki" by his friends; and given nicknames such as "Baby Face" and "Lil Crow" by other Air Trek Riders.
Ikki is free spirited and has a natural affiliation for being in the sky, he can be very eccentric and pushy, but does focus on the goals he wants to achieve. He stays with the Noyamano family, whom he lives with due to his parents' deaths. It was the Noyamano sisters who gave Ikki his first pair of ATs.
He formed his own Team called "Kogarasumaru (小烏丸)". Which consist of his friends: Mikura Kazuma "Kazu", Onigiri, Issa Mihotoke "Buccha", Wanijima Agito, and Adachi Emily.
As the story moves on, Ikki is considered a candidate to be Sky King; later he moves onto a road for himself - as the Storm King.
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