HS10 HSM10 ハイスタンダードモデル10 ハイスタンダードHS10
The High Standard Model 10 (HS10) is a 12-gauge gas operated, semi-automatic shotgun, manufactured by the High Standard Manufacturing Company of Hamden, Connecticut, USA. It is easily recognized by its bullpup design, rotatable shoulder stock, and integrated flashlight. The basic design of the HS10 was developed in the late 1950s by Alfred Crouch.
The concept of this shotgun was quite interesting to many police agencies who adopted the HS10 in the late 1960s and early 1970s. However, most of the agencies found many shortcomings, and ultimately ceased using it . The problems with HS10 was the failure to cycle correctly even with correct rounds, roughly unpredictable trigger feel, and the recoil that can damage flashlight batteries.
See also
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