The creator of Cookie, usually depicted as Kirisame Marisa wearing a sheet printed with Shanghai Doll on the front. Known for sexually harassing the voice actors during its production, Hinase in particular. Nicknamed "the root of all evil, the scum of humanity" by the Cookie community. He has since been doxxed and driven off the internet multiple times.
He produced many Touhou animations and voice dramas before Cookie, even getting some fame with his "Able-Bodied" series. His moderate level of fame and and willingness to spend money is what allowed the original Cookie voice drama to have a total of 43 people involved. What was less known was that he was largely spending this money to meet underage girls by flying out and taking them to crab dinners and sexually harass them by touching them and showing them ero-doujins. Once the controversy began, the Inmu and Touhou fans of NicoNicoDouga joined together to destroy all of his accounts on other sites and make sure he would never able to be to return to this day.
In fan art he is always drawn as a villain, tempting young girls with fame in exchange for sexual favors. Drawn with the other directors too, especially his successor, Taisa.