A Weekly Shounen Sunday manga series by Hata Kenjirou, with an accompanying light novel series written by Tsukiji Toshihiko, and an anime adaptation by Synergy SP (Season 1) and J.C. Staff (Season 2) with the third season being produced by Manglobe, titled Can't Take My Eyes Off You. The fourth season is titled Cuties, also by Manglobe.
Ayasaki Hayate is an unlucky boy forced into paying off debts by his extremely irresponsible parents. After running from home once they went too far, Hayate met Sanzen'in Nagi, an extremely spoiled, sheltered heiress, who offers him a job as her butler. Together with Nagi's personal maid Maria, Hayate and his employer get into several misadventures.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: hayate_no_gotoku, hayate_no_gotoku!!, and hayate_the_combat_butler (learn more).