The final lead Gundam of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE. It is piloted by the series' final protagonist, Kio Asuno. It is designed in real life by Ebikawa Kanetake.
The Gundam AGE-FX is equipped with a pair of beam sabers in its forearms, similar to the AGE-3 Gundam AGE-3 Normal. The new Stungle Rifle is more powerful than the SigMaxiss Rifle and can be further enhanced with the Daidal Bazooka add-on. But the area where the Gundam AGE-FX shines is its C-Funnels, which are stored across its body. Kio can control these remote weapons with his mind, using them both offensively and defensively. The suit can also make use of FX Burst, a high performance mode that dramatically raises its power levels at the cost of precision control. With the assistance of C-Funnels, Kio can fight equally against Vagan X-Rounders and their remote bit-equipped mobile suits.
The head design of Gundam AGE-FX is different among other Gundam-type mobile suits. It has a blue antenna on the back which enables Kio to control the C-Funnels. There is also a single horizontal line across the mouthpiece and its chin is colored blue instead of the standard red.
Similar to its predecessors being homages of the first 3 lead Gundams of the Universal Century, the Gundam AGE-FX serves as homage to the Nu Gundam due to having funnel weapons.