幻想夜曲(Gensou Yakyoku) is the name of an user who used to be registered on pixiv.
She drew pictures in an extremely distinctive style in which characters' faces seemed to have been stretched out vertically. She is one of the artists whose withdrawal is the most regretted and there are many voices wishing for her return.
Her works, if spoken kindly about, could be said to have individuality, or if spoken negatively about may be said to be poorly drawn pictures. The unnatural left-over unpainted areas and each parts of the face that were drawn well, that stated "These are just a joke by someone who is actually good at art" versus "These are simply the crappy art of someone who can't draw well", which led to the unfolding of a lively debate on a certain online boards. The most plausible theory about her true identity is that she is a famous doujin artist of "The Prince of Tennis". Because she withdrew from the SNS, her true identity is unclear anymore.
On Pixiv, there are many illustrations that resemble her work which have the tag "幻想夜曲氏リスペクト (Homage for Gensou Yakyoku)" attached to them. The titles and commentaries often contain parodies of her doujin titles. The original titles are "頑張るっきゃない!", "絶対にガンバレ!" or "これが「東方」流だッ!".
These pictures are not actual "homages", but rather are things that are making fun or nearly bullying her. These pictures might be the cause of her withdrawal.