A fictional female character from the Gundam series. She first appeared in Mobile Suit Gundam from 1979 and also appears in Zeta Gundam (1985).
Fraw Bow is Amuro Ray's neighbor and best friend at the begining of the series. She later becomes part of the junior crew of the White Base Earth Federation spacecraft.
After the events of the original Gundam, Fraw married Hayato Kobayashi, became pregnant with his child, and adopted orphans Katz Kobayashi, Letz Cofan, and Kikka Kitamoto. Despite all that however she is still in love with Amuro Ray. During Zeta Gundam Katz is killed in the Battle of Gryps, and though she does not appear in Gundam ZZ she was tragically widowed when Hayato was killed during the Colony Drop on Dublin, Ireland.
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