A fictional mecha from the Gundam series.
AMX-014 Döven Wolf
A revolutionary unit developed by Haman Karn's Neo Zeon from a captured Federation Gundam Mk V prototype MS. It is loaded with a massively powerful reactor, a huge mega-launcher rivaling even the Double Zeta Gundam's high-mega Cannon, INCOMs and a quasi-psycommu system which allowed even non-Newtypes to execute the deadly all-range attack. All at the cost of less armor.
A few units ended up in the hands of the Earth Federation after the First Neo Zeon War, where they were converted into the ARX-014 Silver Bullet for testing and evaluation, and many others found themselves in the hands of the Sleeves, painted in their traditional markings.
It was Rakan Dahkaran's final mecha of choice.